Стул Viva Black
Стул Viva Black
Артикул: 86067
8483 10710
Склад Мюнхен 79 шт. с 19.03.2024
В Украине под заказ c 18.04.2024
Размеры (ШхВхГ): 50*81.5*58.4 1
Вес: 4.86 кг
Тех. характеристики
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Тех. характеристики

Material: Cover: 100 % Polyester, Upholstering: 26 kg/m³ Polyester, Seat: Plywood Natural/untreated, Foot/Base: Steel brass-plated, 120 kg Max. load-carrying capacity, Knocked-down, 46,50 cm Seat height

Great modern design for a new dining experience! With this upholstered chair you can give your dining room the look of a stylish star restaurant. But the chair also cuts a fine figure in the study or at a small dressing table in the bedroom. The cover made of synthetic fibre shimmers attractively and is particularly fashionable in combination with the shiny brass.

  • Dining room: the sleek shape and glamorous colour combination enhance any living area or dining room
  • Velvet: the dining chair looks classy thanks to its velvety black, which shimmers lighter or darker depending on how the light falls
  • Versatile: also adds a stylish touch to the desk in the home office
  • Stable and classy: featuring steel legs that are finished with a brass coating
  • Comfort: the shell-shaped seat and backrest are upholstered throughout and offer wonderful seating

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